Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Sigma 150-600 Sport Auto Focus Fine Tuning Update

Well after hours of searching I haven't been able to find any Canon shooters that have worked out the ratio (if there is one) between Sigma and Canon AF adjustment scales.

I spoke to Sigma support nice chap by the name of Daniel he explained the following with regard to the AF fine tuning with regard to the above set of figures I found, the x20, x40 x60 x80 etc figures are used by Sigma for testing and setup, however he explained that the distances used via the usb dock are indeed the ones to use for fine tuning the AF system.
Using the distances in the software will give a better AF performance across the entire focal range than using the x20, x40 method.
He also said to start at the 2.6m end of the scale and work up toward infinity at the various focal lengths, again stating that this will give a better result across the entire focal range.

So that is good enough for me straight from the horses mouth so to speak, that is what I will endeavour to do !!

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Auto Focus Micro Adjustment and the Sigma 150-600 Sport

Well this seems like a daunting task ! but probably one that will make the auto focus accuracy extremely good right across the focal length range so its worth persevering with I think.
The Sigma has the ability to be programmed at 16 yep 16 points across its focal range, unlike a Canon zoom lens which can only be micro adjusted at its shortest and longest focal lengths, the Sigma can be adjusted 150, 250, 400 and 600mm.
Not satisfied with that Sigma have gone one step further and allow you to adjust the auto focus accuracy at 4 distances to subject at each of the four focal lengths.
However in order to make any custom adjustments you first need to purchase the Sigma USB Dock (£40) my first thoughts were, this really in my opinion should come with the lens and not be sold as an accessory ! upon reflection I would assume that not everyone will use it.
You also need to download the software Sigma Optimisation Pro from the  Sigma Website

Once installed you then have the ability to customise the lens parameters, update firmware as and when updates are available all in all its a pretty nifty bit of kit, as always improvements could be made.
The first improvement I would like to see is the ability to save a customised profile to disc for later use, this would then allow you to create profiles for each camera body you use the lens with, as it stands if you adjust AFMA for the main camera body that the lens will be used with when you come to switch it to another camera body all the AF settings you have programmed in will not be accurate as no two camera bodies are alike.
This issue must be an easy fix as the first thing that happens when you connect the USB Dock to the lens and PC is it checks for the firmware version of both dock and lens and then reads the current  configuration from the lens, which creates a temp .bin file on disc, that's as far as I have looked, someone with a bit more coding knowledge may well be able to knock up a routine that can save this .bin file and give it a meaningful name for later use, if that would work I don't know.

So how to go about adjusting AFMA, as far as I see it there are two options
  1. you either take the test shot analyse it, remove the lens connect it to the dock and pc make the adjustment via the software put the lens back on the camera and take another shot and repeat above for each adjustment for all 16 points !
  2. Use the camera bodies AF adjustment write down all the settings and apply them all in one go. 
Both of these methods have issues, the first you will be forever taking the lens off and back on of the camera this seems to me like a lot of messing about and a very long drawn out process !
The second does the Canon AF adjustment scale directly match the Sigma AF adjustment scale, both have the same range of plus or minus 20 ?

 Main Menu View

 Auto Focus Adjustment View
If it does happy days  I will email Sigma support to see if they know the answer to that one.

Well that's answered that one the man from Sigma he say "no"

"It does not relate to the Canon scale in any way.  If needed please input small values to see the difference and adjust accordingly."

Oh well at least that has cleared that one up !!

So today I thought I would have a little bash at seeing how good the focus is out the box, I have only tested @ 3m  distance to subject and f6.3 or wide open for this lens :
@ 600mm I found the focus to be pretty much smack on

Using my home made focus chart it is clear that the red text is pin sharp and the 2 and 4 are pretty equal as you move away from the centre line, no adjustment required here.

@400mm it looks to me like there is a slight back focus  the red text is still sharp but as you look at the scale above and below the centre line 2,4, 6 above look a little sharper then 2,4,6 below
@250mm again this is clearly back focusing the red text is still pretty sharp but looking at the scales the above scale is way sharper then the scale below
 Finally @150mm this one looks a bit soft all over (but that is probably my fault) but still seems to be exhibiting some back focus
So what I will do next just for the sake of it is repeat this test and adjust using the Canon adjustment and then again using the Sigma adjustment to see if there is any comparison.
I have read up on this in some forums and it appears that for Nikon cameras the ratio is 2 to 1, 2 steps on the Sigma scale equate to 1 step on the Nikon scale.
I havent found this information online for Canon yet.
But that's a job for tomorrow !!


1st Time Out In The Field With Sigma 150-600 Sport

The first decent day since the new lens arrived so I took myself off to Bossenden Woods, I have not made any AFMA adjustments to the Sigma as I wanted to see how it performed straight out of the box.
Compared to my Canon EF 500mm L IS the Sigma is a light weight, having said that it is very well built, I have changed the tripod mount from the one supplied with the sigma to funnily enough the one I had on my 500mm, Sunway Foto LF-C1 fits perfectly.
I changed it for two reasons:
  1. The one supplied does not give sufficient clearance between the foot and lens barrel to carry the lens comfortably, there simply isn't enough clearance to get my dainty little mits in there without gloves on, with gloves no chance.
  2.  The new foot is an Arca Swiss compatible so fits straight onto my Gimbal Head.

The Clearance between foot and barrel on the original mount is 15mm with the new foot it is 40mm which is more than enough and makes it easy to carry by the foot, (Sigma take note!!).
 First impressions go along way, the results I have from this Sigma lens on its first outing to me easily match my old Canon EF 500mm L IS output and as I said I have yet to set the AFMA so it can only improve a little !
The background bokeh doesn't look quite as nice as the Canon 500 but that is a small price to pay when saving £5000 or there abouts and there was a 2 stop difference in the pictures below so again the bokeh could improve when the same stop is used.

Canon 5D MK4 Canon EF500mm F4 L IS +1.4x (700mm)
f9 1/800th ISO1600

Canon 5D MK4 Sigma 150-600 Sport @600mm
f11 1/100th ISO800

One might ask is it fair to compare a prime lens to a zoom lens, well in this case I think so as the zoom lens was purchased to replace the prime lens.
Next job is to check the AF accuracy but that will be another post.