Friday, 1 September 2017

Pegwell Bay And Stone Lees 1.9.17

Lovely morning popped down to Pegwell Bay Country Park the first bird I saw was this  very damp looking House Sparrow with a beak full of delicious bugs.

Canon 5dmk4 500mm 1\1000th f7.1 iso800

All of these pictures and more can be found on my flikr page: 

I carried on walking through the park very quiet spotted a couple of pied wagtails but they were scared off by a dog walker before I could get a picture of them ! I walked up into Stone Lees again still very quiet a few goldies flitting about but on the whole very little activity.
On the way back just as I was about to exit Stone Lees I spotted movement in a bush off to my left, I planted my tripod and there was more movement, a bunch of Long Tailed Tits were flitting about.

Canon 5dmk4 700mm 1\1250th f9 iso320

 These lovely little birds were then joined by a pair of Blue Tits who then proceeded to bully the LTT's into leaving the bush !!
 Canon 5dmk4 700mm 1\1250th f9 iso320

Then I noticed one bird had been left behind turned out to be a Chiffchaff !
 Canon 5dmk4 700mm 1\1600th f7.1 iso320

The LTT's decided that the BT's weren't going to scare them off for long and returned where they carried on flitting about feeding etc.
Canon 5dmk4 700mm 1\1250th f9 iso320
 Canon 5dmk4 700mm 1\1250th f9 iso400
 Canon 5dmk4 700mm 1\1600th f9 iso400

Yet again this session was terminated by a dog walker, they really are the most inconsiderate people, she could see I was taking pictures and could easily have gone along another parallel path, but nope I walk my dog this way and that's where I am walking my dog no matter what anyone else is doing for enjoyment !
I expect she is one of those people that doesn't clear up behind her beloved four legged friend or launches the bag of doggy dodo into the bushes at the earliest opportunity !
With the bush now empty I headed off home for my 1st cup of tea of the day.

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