I purchased the Nest NT530h mk2 back in 2017 (see previous blog entry). I was out early on the coldest day of the year and whilst the horizontal movement which I have already repacked was fine the vertical movement all but seized up due to the cold.
So I thought it was time to repack the vertical movement, this was only possible by drilling a small hole in the cover plate with the Nest logo on.
Then it was a hex head bolt and the locking knob then un screws off of the main shaft.
At the back there is a bearing race and washers this was all taken off and dunked in white spirit.
To remove the main shaft you just need to pull it and out it pops, I was surprised that this was not sitting on a bearing race, it simply relies on the machining being of a tight tolerance and a red friction washer.
Once again it was all cleaned off with white spirit, both the shaft and inside of the pivot, then dried and a good splodge of high melting point lithium grease was applied to all surfaces and the bearing race.
Main shaft was put back in and rotated to ensure the grease was nice and evenly spread around, then the washer and bearing race followed by the knob.
Finally the hex bolt was refitted with a bit of semi permanent Loctite.
It now runs smooth as silk and should do so in all weathers, yes you do stand the chance of having you kit do a sudden nose dive if you are not careful but at least I will now be able to follow erratically moving targets a lot smoother than before.
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