Sunday, 13 August 2017

My Camera Settings

Just for the record I shoot with Canon bodies and lenses, over the few years that I have been back into photography I have built a decent kit up, made lots of stupid purchases along the way mainly because I am stupid and tried to do stuff on the cheap, partly because I couldn't find the information I wanted and thought I would give it a go, as you do, only to regret spending money on something that either didn't do what it said it would or just did it badly, sometimes you cannot compromise on quality and price.

Currently I am shooting with a Canon 5dmk4 which I have only had for about 2 months, I was looking to replace my 5dmk3 and was a bit torn between getting a 5dsr, a 5dmk4 or a second hand 1dx.
After doing hours of research and reading lots of reviews and taking my photography requirements into account I plumped for the 5dmk4 as it is a little more versatile than the 5dsr has a faster frame rate and has newer technology than the 1dx, plus its brand new.
Am I pleased with it to date ? yes I am, when it churns out images like the Sedge Warbler below then whats not to like.

Sedge Warbler
5dmk4 @ 700mm 1\1250th f7.1 iso640
Anyway I digress from the theme of camera settings. I will do a separate post with regard to AF or purple tab.
I stress these are my settings that work for me, there are no right and wrong settings as far as I am concerned, if it works for you then it right for you.

Red 1
  1.  Image Quality = RAW
  2. Dual Pixel Raw = Disable
  3. Image Review = 4 sec
  4. Beep = Disable
  5. Release Shutter Without Card = Off
  6. Lens Aberration Control all settings under this are disabled
Red 2
  1. ISO Settings
  2. ISO speed = Auto
  3. Range for Stills = 100-3200
  4. Auto Range = 100-800
  5. Min Shutter Speed = Auto
  6. Auto Lighting Optimiser = Off
  7. White Balance = Daylight
  8. Colour Space = sRGB
Red 3
  1. Picture style = Faithful
  2. Long exp noise reduction = off
  3. High ISO speed NR = Standard
  4. Highlight tone priority = Off
All other settings under Red 3 are disabled
All settings under Red 4 are disabled or Off
All settings under Red 5 and Red 6 are untouched

I will deal with Purple AF tab later.

Everything under Blue tab 1 and 2 remain untouched.
Blue 3
  1. Highlight alert = Enable
  2. AF Point Display = Enable
  3. Playback Grid = Off
  4. Histogram Disp = Brightness
  5. Movie Play Count Rec Time
  6. Magnification (apx) = 8x
  7. Ctrl over hdmi = Disable
Yellow 1
  1. File Numbering = Continuous
  2. Auto Rotate = On
Yellow 2
  1. Auto Power Off = 4min
  2. LCD Brightness = + 2 stops
  3. LCD colour tone = Standard
  4. Viewfinder Display = All Off
  5. Touch Control = Standard
Yellow 3 all options remain untouched

Yellow 4
  1. HDMI frame rate = Auto
  2. GPS Settings = All disabled
  3. Communication settings = All Disabled
Yellow 5
Custom Shooting Mode I have set up a Bird In Flight profile which is registered to C3
Copyright Information is filled in with my details.

Orange 1
Both Exposure level and ISO speed setting are set to 1/3 increments
  1. Bracketing Auto Cancel is ON
  2. Bracketing Sequence is -0+
  3. Number of bracketed shots  = 3
  4. Safety Shift = Off
  5. Same Expo = Off
Orange 2 Nothing changed on this tab
Orange 3 Only Custom Controls  have been changed on this tab (I will deal with these later)
Orange 4 and 5 nothing changed on these tabs

Green Tab I haven't changed anything here.

That's pretty much how I have the camera setup, I will deal with Custom Settings and AF in a separate post.

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