Saturday, 12 August 2017

Oare Marshes

Arrived at Oare 0600 quite a lot of cloud about initially but it soon cleared to reveal a beautiful sunny morning with light winds, perfect conditions for Bearded tits to be climbing up the reeds to feed which is what I am after today.

Juvenile Reed Warbler
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f7.1 1\800th iso 800

I set off from the car park along the sea wall heading toward the seawall hide, pretty quite but at least no dog walkers or joggers (yet) spotted the above almost straight away, a few yards further on round the corner from the seawall hide I came across a bush full of juvenile Linnets sitting preening in the sun.
The berries on the bush made a nice addition to the picture

Juvenile Linnets preening in the early sun
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f9 1\800th iso 800
Juvenile Linnet preening in the early sun
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f9 1\800th iso 800
Juvenile Linnet preening in the early sun
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f7.1 1\800th iso 800
Juvenile Linnet soaking up the early sun
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f7.1 1\1250th iso 800
I carried on walking up towards the sluice several flocks of Black Tailed Godwits flew off over the estuary.
 One of many flocks of Black tailed Godwits flying off of Oare out over the estuary.
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f6.3 1\1600th iso 500 +1ev

Then I saw a Grey Wagtail again a juvenile, there was a pair of them but I only managed to get a shot of one of them before they flew off.
 Juvenile Grey Wagtail
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f7.1 1\1250th iso 800
A bit further along I spotted a Whimbrel lurking in the grass out on the creek.
Canon 5dmk4 700mm f7.1 1\1025th iso 800
I went up over the sluice nothing of interest as of yet I had not heard or seen any Bearded Tits !!
The joggers and dog walkers were arriving by the bucket load which means it is time for me to reverse route and head back to the car park, on the way I noticed a big fresh pile of dog shit politely left behind by one of the recent dogs, FFS if you got a dog clear up after it !!
If it was down to me they wouldn't be allowed to walk dogs round there at all, quite a few are still off the leads as well which annoys me its a Nature Reserve if you must walk them there keep em on a lead !!
I did see two Beardies but too far away for pictures.
Nothing else of any interest, packed up and went home for some breakfast and a cuppa !

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